Building Bridges Potluck RSVP

The Building Bridges community is once again hosting a dinner gathering to share a meal and strengthen our friendships. Building Bridges Executive Committee member Darwaish Zakhil has graciously offered to host us at the Afghan Support Network's Beaverton office which is located at 10865 SW 5th St #250, Beaverton, OR 97005. We will gather from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, August 16th. You and a guest or family members are invited to join us. Please consider bringing an item to share. Please RSVP via the link below.

This year’s Building Bridges annual summit will be held on October 30 with the theme  “Confronting Bias Through Justice, Healing, and Education.” In addition to sharing a meal together on August 16, we will highlight our outreach strategy for our summit and the coming year.

We look forward to conversations and sharing perspectives on protecting all Oregon communities against bias and hate crimes through public safety and community education and action. We hope you will be inspired to participate in the October summit!

We hope you can make it and feel free to email Darwaish Zakhil if you have any questions.